Live from London - Songbird Juliet Lawson
A review by Music News Nashville
Juliet Lawson is an English singer songwriter originating from London, renown for her personal, intimate style with audiences. Although her music has been classified as hard to place in any given genre, she switches effortlessly between blues, jazz, to folk inspired melodies.
Juliet’s fan base was built on her outstanding debut album “Boo” (1972) which won musical acclaim throughout the music industry of the time. Although the album didn’t launch her career as expected it still remains an iconic set of songs, which is still very much in demand.
Although she released only two subsequent albums and one EP over a 30 year period she says she never lost faith in her talent as a singer songwriter. It’s some five years since the release of her last studio EP. Now she is back, a new poignantly titled EP “Never Went Away” with renewed passion and a plan for success.
Owen Peters has an exclusive interview with Juliet Lawson with chronicles her extraordinary musical career and why she is only looking forward.